Tahukah Kamu ?

Tahukah Kamu ?

tulang paha manusia, jauh lebih kuat dari konstruksi beton.
-Gajah adalah satu-satunya mamalia yang tidak bisa meloncat.
-Kuku jari tangan manusia tumbuh empat kali lebih cepat daripada kuku jari kakinya..
-Cocacola bakal berwarna ijo, seijo cendol kalo gak dikasih tambahan pewarna dalam proses pembuatannya..
-bumi, adalah satu2nya planet di sistem tata surya kita yang tidak dinamakan dengan nama dewa-dewi

Cari Artikel Ini

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Liu Bolin Si Manusia Bunglon, Coba Tebak Dimana Dia Berada!

It's easy to myth Liu Bolin because he is painted to blend in with the ornamental creature in a Beijing park.

Way to pagoda ... he's hidden outside temple
Way to pagoda ... he's hidden outside temple
Barcroft Media
It takes up to ten hours for assistants to camouflage him as he also stands in front of supermarket drinks, temples or forest trees.
Wood you believe it ... he blends into the trees
Wood you believe it ... he blends into the trees
Barcroft Media
In November we showed how he played similar tricks on the eye in a shop and at a theatre.
Liu, 38, says his works are a statement on the role of artists in an anonymous world.

Pop art ... Liu in front of a fizzy drinks display
Pop art ... Liu in front of a fizzy drinks display
Barcroft Media
It's hard to see how to argue.

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